My signature DEEP CALM Experiential Workshops are back for 2025!!
I am thrilled to once again offer restorative group workshops online where you can experience feeling relaxed, peaceful, grounded, and calm. I will be incorporating gentle neuroscience-based Havening Techniques and gentle Realization Process meditations for experiencing wholeness, spaciousness, and embodiment. You will leave each workshop with tools you can use at home on your own to support your emotional health, resilience, and wellbeing. If you can't make it on the scheduled date, you can still register to receive a recording you can watch within 7 days on your own schedule.
I warmly invite you to come and experience the relaxation of DEEP CALM on Monday nights at 7 pm Eastern/NY (please adjust for your time zone)! The dates and themes for this year's DEEP CALM workshops are below with links to register for each workshop.
Overcoming the Pain of Rejection and Abandonment
With Havening Touch and the Realization Process, you can let go of pain, disappointment, and even heartache from past or current repudiations, and cultivate feelings of self-compassion, self-worth, and self-love.
Register HERE
APRIL 14th:
Experiencing the Bliss of Freedom!
With Havening Touch and the Realization Process, you can overcome feeling trapped and powerless, and experience feeling carefree, empowered, blissful, and calm.
Register HERE
JUNE 23rd :
Overcoming Insecurities and Self-Doubt
With Havening Touch and the Realization Process, you can let go of the very human experience of insecurity and self-doubt, and feel confident, self-assured, calm, and at peace.
Register HERE
Seeing Our "Imperfections" in a New Light (with Kintsugi pottery)!
With Havening Touch and the Realization Process, you can quiet the inner critic, and experience yourself as the special being you are! Comparisons will be made to beautifully-imperfect Japanese Kintsugi pottery.
Register HERE.
Cultivating Gratitude!
With Havening Touch and the Realization Process, you can experience gratitude and a more resilient emotional landscape heading into the holidays!
Register HERE
Advanced Registration is Required. Workshop login information will be sent via email upon registration. ​Workshops limited to first 100 participants.
I look forward to being with you.​​​​
See for yourself why my DEEP CALM webinar was featured as a COVID resource by the Center for Havening and shared worldwide. https://mailchi.mp/2c49d0132d3a/havening-for-our-covid-19-world?e=c6399a06a8